Maihar Mata - Maa Sharda's Temple

मैहर का मतलब है मां का हार

मैहर नगरी से 5 किलोमीटर दूर त्रिकूट पर्वत पर माता शारदा देवी का वास है। पर्वत की चोटी के मध्य में ही शारदा माता का मंदिर है। पूरे भारत में सतना का मैहर मंदिर माता शारदा का अकेला मंदिर है। इसी पर्वत की चोटी पर माता के साथ ही श्री काल भैरवी, भगवान, हनुमान जी, देवी काली, दुर्गा, श्री गौरी शंकर, शेष नाग, फूलमति माता, ब्रह्म देव और जलापा देवी की भी पूजा की जाती है

ब्रह्मांड की भलाई के लिए भगवान विष्णु ने ही सती के शरीर को 52 भागों में विभाजित कर दिया। जहां भी सती के अंग गिरे, वहां शक्तिपीठों का निर्माण हुआ। अगले जन्म में सती ने हिमवान राजा के घर पार्वती के रूप में जन्म लिया और घोर तपस्या कर शिवजी को फिर से पति रूप में प्राप्त किया। माना जाता है कि यहां मां का हार गिरा था। हालांकि, सतना का मैहर मंदिर शक्ति पीठ नहीं है। फिर भी लोगों की आस्था इतनी अडिग है कि यहां सालों से माता के दर्शन के लिए भक्तों का रेला लगा रहता है।

522 ईसा पूर्व को चतुर्दशी के दिन नृपल देव ने सामवेदी की स्थापना की थी। तभी से त्रिकूट पर्वत में पूजा अर्चना का दौर शुरू हुआ। इस मंदिर की पवित्रता का अंदाजा महज इस बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि अभी भी आल्हा माँ शारदा की पूजा करने सुबह पहुँचते हैं।

माँ शारदा की प्रतिमा के ठीक नीचे के पढ़े जा सके शिलालेख भी कई पहेलियों को समेटे हुए हैं। सन्‌ 1922 में जैन दर्शनार्थियों की प्रेरणा से तत्कालीन महाराजा ब्रजनाथ सिंह जूदेव ने शारदा मंदिर परिसर में जीव बलि को प्रतिबंधित कर दिया था।

ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेजों में इस तथ्य का प्रमाण प्राप्त होता है कि सन्‌ 539 (522 .पू.) चैत्र कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्दशी को नृपलदेव ने सामवेदी देवी की स्थापना की थी। प्रसिद्ध इतिहासविद् . कनिघम द्वारा माँ शारदा मंदिर का काफी अध्ययन किया गया है। मैहर स्थित जन सूचना केन्द्र के प्रभारी पंडित मोहनलाल द्विवेदी शिलालेख के हवाले से बताते हैं कि कनिघम के प्रतीत होने वाले 9वीं 10वीं सदी के शिलालेख की लिपि पढ़े जाने के कारण अभी भी रहस्य बने हुए हैं।

चौतरफा हैं प्राचीन धरोहरें : मैहर केवल शारदा मंदिर के लिए ही प्रसिद्ध नहीं है बल्कि इसके चारों ओर प्राचीन धरोहरें बिखरी पड़ी हैं। मंदिर के ठीक पीछे इतिहास के दो प्रसिद्ध योद्धाओं देवी भक्त आल्हा- ऊदल के अखाड़े हैं तथा यहीं एक तालाब और भव्य मंदिर है जिसमें अमरत्व का वरदान प्राप्त आल्हा की तलवार उसी की विशाल प्रतिमा के हाथ में थमाई गई है।

आज भी आल्हा करते हैं पहले श्रृंगार : मैहर मंदिर के महंत पंडित देवी प्रसाद बताते हैं कि अभी भी माँ का पहला श्रृंगार आल्हा ही करते हैं और जब ब्रह्म मुहूर्त में शारदा मंदिर के पट खोले जाते हैं तो पूजा की हुई मिलती है। इस रहस्य को सुलझाने वैज्ञानिकों की टीम भी डेरा जमा चुकी है लेकिन रहस्य अभी भी बरकरार है।

Diwali Pooja Vidhi, Shree Laxmi Poojan Diwali

When we think of Diwali, we very well remember new clothes, delicious dishes and crackers. However, the most important aspect of Diwali is the do some puja to ward off misfortunes and bring in good luck inside the homes. The essence of the festival of lights is to get the divine blessings in a way brightening up of the family life and adding to its its prosperity.

On Diwali, during Amavasya day, newly installed statues of Lord Ganesha and Shri Lakshmi are worshipped. Apart from Lakshmi-Ganesha Puja, Kuber Puja and Bahi-Khata Puja (बही-खाता पूजा) are also done.  On the Diwali Puja day, the full day fast is desirable. The fasting may be either Nirjal (निर्जल) i.e. without the water or Phalahar (फलाहार) i.e. with fruits only or with milk only depending of the body capability and will-power of the person.

On the day of the Puja, people should wake up early in the morning in order to pay their respects and tributes to their ancestors. They should also worship their family God. Since this is a new moon day or the day of ‘Amavasya’, people should also offer ‘Sharadh’ to the ones that are no longer with them. Most people fast for the entire day till they perform the Puja. This is one of the oldest traditions and while some people still follow it, others just perform the Puja.

Most people believe that this Diwali, Lakshmi Puja needs to be conducted during Pradosh Kaal. Some other sources also mention that Lakshmi Puja should be performed during Mahanishita Kaal. The Mahanishita Kaal is known to be best suited for the Tantrik community and the practicing Pundits who are said to be the most knowledgeable about Lakshmi Puja. For people who get too confused, the Pradosh Kaal Muhurat is the best. One of the muhurats that is not advised for Lakshmi Puja is the Choghadiya Muhurat. This muhurat is good only for traveling. One should perform Lakshmi Puja during Pradosh Kaal only when Sthir Lagna prevails.

Chant the mantras of Ganesha, Lakshmi and Saraswati. Also offer flowers chanting the Ashtothra Namavali (list of 108 names) of these three deities one by one. Following this, you can break the coconut and offer the tambool (betel leaves and nuts), fruits and other dishes you have prepared for the puja.

Along with the family members, do pradakshina (circumambulating) and prostrate before the altar. The lamps kept ready can be lit from the flames of those already lighted up in front of the altar. Place these lamps on the either side of the doorstep and in different parts of the home. Let them stay lit as much time as possible through the night. The light of the Diwali lamps shall ward the evil and bring prosperity to homes.

गणेश जी की आरती (Ganesh Aarti in Hindi)

जय गणेश जय गणेश जय गणेश देवा
माता जाकी पार्वती पिता महादेवा जय...

एक दंत दयावंत चार भुजा धारी।
माथे सिंदूर सोहे मूसे की सवारी जय...

अंधन को आंख देत, कोढ़िन को काया।
बांझन को पुत्र देत, निर्धन को माया जय...

पान चढ़े फल चढ़े और चढ़े मेवा।
लड्डुअन का भोग लगे संत करें सेवा जय...

'सूर' श्याम शरण आए सफल कीजे सेवा
जय गणेश जय गणेश जय गणेश देवा जय...

लक्ष्मीजी की आरती (Laxmi Mata Aarti in Hindi)

महालक्ष्मी नमस्तुभ्यं, नमस्तुभ्यं सुरेश्र्वरी |
हरिप्रिये नमस्तुभ्यं, नमस्तुभ्यं दयानिधे
जय लक्ष्मी माता मैया जय लक्ष्मी माता |
तुमको निसदिन सेवत, हर विष्णु विधाता

जय लक्ष्मी माता....
उमा ,रमा,ब्रम्हाणी, तुम जग की माता |
सूर्य चद्रंमा ध्यावत, नारद ऋषि गाता

जय लक्ष्मी माता....
दुर्गारुप निरंजन, सुख संपत्ति दाता |
जो कोई तुमको ध्याता, ऋद्धि सिद्धी धन पाता

जय लक्ष्मी माता....
तुम ही पाताल निवासनी, तुम ही शुभदाता |
कर्मप्रभाव प्रकाशनी, भवनिधि की त्राता

जय लक्ष्मी माता....
जिस घर तुम रहती हो, ताँहि में हैं सद् गुण आता|
सब सभंव हो जाता, मन नहीं घबराता॥

जय लक्ष्मी माता....
तुम बिन यज्ञ ना होता, वस्त्र कोई पाता |
खान पान का वैभव, सब तुमसे आता

जय लक्ष्मी माता....
शुभ गुण मंदिर सुंदर क्षीरनिधि जाता|
रत्न चतुर्दश तुम बिन ,कोई नहीं पाता

जय लक्ष्मी माता....
महालक्ष्मी जी की आरती ,जो कोई नर गाता |
उँर आंनद समाा,पाप उतर जाता

जय लक्ष्मी माता....
स्थिर चर जगत बचावै ,कर्म प्रेर ल्याता |
रामप्रताप मैया जी की शुभ दृष्टि पाता

जय लक्ष्मी माता....
जय लक्ष्मी माता मैया जय लक्ष्मी माता |
तुमको निसदिन सेवत, हर विष्णु विधाता

जय लक्ष्मी माता...

Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple or Meenakshi Amman Temple

Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple or Meenakshi Amman Temple is located in the holy city of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva (in the form of Sundareswarar or Beautiful Lord) and his consort, Goddess Parvati (in the form of Meenakshi ). 

Legend has it that the reigning deity Meenakshi was born out of holy fire as an answer to the prayers of King Malayadwaja and his wife Kanchanamalai. She married Lord Shiva and both ruled the city of Madurai as Lord Sundareshwar and Goddess Meenakshi. It is also believed that Lord Indra founded the temple when he found a suyambu lingam.

The temple structure with its concentric squares and high walled enclosures is a lesson for students of architecture. The temple is square shaped and a series of concentric streets with names from Tamil months surround the structure. The entire temple occupies around 45 acres, with each side having an entrance of its own. Madurai Meenakshi temple’s history is as old as the history of the city itself.
Potramarai Kulam 

Potramarai Kulam
In the temple, Potramarai Kulam is a consecrated pond where devotees go around before entering the main shrine. The term "Potramarai Kulam" suggests "the pond with a golden lily". It is said that Lord Shiva blessed this pond and acclaimed that no marine life would grow in it. In the Tamil folklore, the pond is believed to be an evaluator for reviewing the worth of a new literature. 

Many historical evidences of the temple have been found dating back from early A.D. The temple was almost completely destroyed in the year 1310 following the invasion of the Islamic conqueror Malikkapur.As kings who were followers of Islam were noted for their intolerance towards other religions, the invaders destroyed most of the ancient sculptures of the temple.  In the 17th century, the temple was rebuilt by Arya Natha Mudaliyar, who was the Prime Minister of the first Nayak of Madurai. Afterwards, Thirumalai Nayak made additional contributions to the structure. The Madurai Meenakshi Amman Temple is now under the administration of the HR and CE department of Tamil Nadu.

Shree Krishna Temple, Shamlaji in Gujarat

Shamlaji is a major Hindu pilgrimage center in Aravalli district of Gujarat, India. The Shamlaji temple is dedicated to Vishnu or Krishna is built probably in 11th century in Chaulukya style and renovated at least 500 years ago. Shamlaji temple is one the best three Vishnu temples of Gujarat along with Dwaraka and Dakor. 

Shamlaji (130 kms from Ahmedabad) for Lord Vishnu Devotees is one of the hundred and fifty four most important places of pilgrimage in India. Shamlaji is a standalone ex-Ahmedabad pilgrimage and can be combined well with Nathdwara (170 kms), a Lord Krishna pilgrimage. A number of devotees gather during the month of November to be a part of this great cultural spectacle called Shamlaji Fair that lasts for about three weeks. The temple of Shamlaji is situated on the bank of river Meshwo and is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Sakshi Gopal or Gadadhar is a black representation of Lord Vishnu, worshiped in this shrine. The river Meshwo is seen splashing water and waving through the valley just below the temple. During the fair and otherwise the waters of the river Meshwo is considered very holy as numbers of devotees take a dip whenever they come here.

Bal Gopal is a black representation of Vishnu worshiped at the Shamlaji Temple. This is one of the rare temples of Lord Krishna in which cow idols are also worshiped depicting his childhood as a cowherd. For the Vaishnav's Shamlaji is one of the hundred and fifty four most important places of pilgrimage in India.

Shamlaji temple is always been place of choice for archaeologist and art lovers for its artistic beauty in architecture and sculptures. Generously carved sculptures are of the real beauty. Gods, goddesses, humans, animals, flowers, nature.. a pleasant art work presents the pictures of beliefs and lifestyle of those timelines. Ramayana, Mahabharata and various stories from Puranas are depicted on the walls.

History of creation of this temple.
Lord Brahma once went on a journey to find out the best tirtha (sacred site) on the earth. After seeing and visiting a number of places, he came to Shamlaji, which he liked the most and performed penance there for a thousand years. Lord Shiva, pleased with him, asked him to perform a yajna (ritual). At the beginning of the yajna, Lord Vishnu manifested himself in the form of Shamlaji, and was enshrined at this place.

Shamlaji Fair
The Shamlaji Fair is held at Shamlaji in the district of Sabarkantha every year. The fair is celebrated with great enthusiasm in the month of November every year and lasts for more than two weeks. This fair is dedicated to Lord Shamlaji and it is an important festival for the tribal people. The Bhil community has tremendous faith in the powers of Shamlaji who they lovingly refer to as Kaliyo Dev. During the fair, the devotees worship the deity in Shamlaji temple. They take holy bath in the river Meshwo that is situated near Shamlaji temple.